Values & commitments

Logo La Phocéenne de Cosmétique

Always doing better for beauty and well-being

Champ d'oliviers

Convinced that “Beauty is even more beautiful when it is well done”, we have built our business around deep-seated commitments and sincere ethical values.

At a time when many companies, in the context of the current climate emergency, have been discovering an aspiration in favour of the environment and people for some years now, we are proud to be able to say that at La Phocéenne these values have always guided our choices and our actions, and have been perpetuated around the 4 pillars of our CSR strategy.

Our values


Our commitment to product quality


Our social commitments


Our environmental commitments


Our societal commitments


Nature as a research laboratory
Since 1996, we have been constantly investing and innovating to offer products that are as natural, healthy and accessible as possible.

Nature’s bounty is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for our R&D laboratory. We are continuing to invest in research into the most natural formulas possible, to ensure that our products are harmless.

We imagine the cosmetics of tomorrow and are constantly devising new galenic formulations and processes to take our product development even further.

This commitment comes to life in the products of our two brands:

– Products that comply with a demanding internal formulation charter, aiming for a minimum percentage of 96% of ingredients of natural origin.

– Reassuring products, formulated in anticipation of regulations to avoid any potentially objectionable ingredients.

Developing circular economy projects : le Moulin de Cante Perdrix

C’est sur les hauteurs de Saint-Bonnet du Gard que depuis 2010, la Phocéenne de Cosmétique possède son propre moulin à huile d’olive, ainsi qu’une oliveraie composée de 1500 pieds d’oliviers.

La marque incarne son authenticité dans ce projet: l’huile produite entre dans la composition d’un grand nombre de nos formules cosmétiques, complétée par une sélection rigoureuse des meilleures huiles de Méditerranée.

En 2014, dans une logique d’amélioration permanente, l’ensemble de l’exploitation est passée en agriculture biologique.

Nos Engagements :

– Valoriser les déchets de production du moulin pour amender les sols

– Entretenir le domaine de manière à favoriser et protéger la biodiversité

– Promouvoir l’agriculture biologique et communiquer sur la protection de la nature

La marque développe des innovations en économie circulaire en utilisant des déchets de fabrication : les Gels Douche 270ml Le Petit Olivier intègrent de l’Eau d’Olive Bio de la Vallée des Baux de Provence issue de déchets de production d’Huile d’Olive.

La marque a choisi également des produits plus locaux pour cette gamme comme le Citron Vert de Corse, la Pêche de Manosque, l’Amande de Valensole. Travaillant main dans la main avec le Moulin de Cante Perdrix, nous développons de nouveaux projets d’économie circulaire pour les années à venir.

A ground-breaking research project: identifying a natural alternative for our mosquito repellents

La Phocéenne has carried out a novel experiment: contributing to a multi-stakeholder scientific project with the Natural History Museum and the CNRS to develop a new anti-mosquito formula for Lovea.

Launched in 2019, the project consisted of financing a CIFRE thesis to identify new substances of natural origin based on the observation of chimpanzees, while respecting the environment.

La Phocéenne de Cosmétique - équipe Laboratoire à Salon-de-Provence
La Phocéenne s'engage dans des missions à valeur humaine


Women as transformers : commitment upstream in the supply chain for our active ingredients

At La Phocéenne de Cosmétique, respect for the women and men who work directly or indirectly with us is at the heart of our commitments: upstream of the supply chains for our main active ingredients (olive, argan, shea, monoï, coconut), we work more closely with certain suppliers to ensure more sustainable production.

– Understand these supply chains by measuring the social and environmental impacts created in the projects, companies or cooperatives that manage the extraction of these natural ingredients.

– To improve our purchasing practices and support projects that promote the empowerment and development of working and living conditions for women in general: fair pay, diversification of income-generating activities, training, investment in equipment, etc.

– Create links with our committed suppliers and distributor customers, our local partners and consumers.

Respecting supply chains : promoting local know-how
Our presence in the olive and argan sectors since the creation/takeover of the project has enabled us to ensure complete traceability, and to preserve and promote local know-how.

– Olive oil from the mill for the Olive Care range. We have our own olive oil mill, created in 2007. Part of our oil is used in our cosmetics.

– Argan oil from the Solar Village in Morocco for the Argan skincare range as part of a fair-trade approach: long-term commitment and prepayment of orders 100% women’s pulping and crushing cooperative and processing company Support for literacy and good cooperative management.

– Fairtrade Shea butter for the Shea Care range – Ivory Coast, Korhogo region

– Organic* Coconut Oil, used in our Lovea ranges, certified organically grown

– Monoï de Tahiti*, 100% natural, designation of origin, responsibly sourced in support of the traditional know-how born from the maceration of Tiaré flowers in Coconut oil.

A sustainable argan project : Le Village Solaire - Maroc
The argan tree is endemic to southern Morocco, and the traditional know-how involved in processing it into argan oil is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The argan tree helps to combat soil erosion; it is a sector at risk from climate change and the impact of human activities: overexploitation and massive felling, water stress, declining biodiversity.

Objectives of the project :

– To replant the argan tree in an agro-ecological way around the dwellings

– To improve working conditions and promote women’s traditional know-how

– Support the development of young people’s potential

– Creating a sustainable argan production chain for Le Petit Olivier

Created in 2017 by Le Petit Olivier and Intermarché, the Solar Village is growing year on year to support the empowerment of women and increase from around thirty to 300 beneficiary families.

It will be recognised as the 1st Solar Village in Morocco and Africa in 2019 and the LSA trophy in 2020.

Le Petit Olivier and Intermarché are committed to helping the Solar Village become self-sufficient. The partners are supported by a Moroccan association – We Speak Citizen – to implement the vision co-written with the residents.

Respect for employees : development and well-being at work
The Group employs around one hundred people in France and pays particular attention to their well-being and development.

– Promoting internal career development: 80% of the members of our management committee have been women since the start of the venture.

– Working conditions: teleworking agreement for 46 days a year on a full-time basis.

– Equal pay: 60% of the top 10 earners are women. These results encourage us to continue our drive for constant improvement in gender equality at all levels.

Respect for our partners : subcontractors, suppliers and customers

Our subcontractors and suppliers are more than just business partners; they are also co-players in our success. Many of them have been with us from the outset, and we are well aware that our group would not exist without these partners.

We take great care with our relationships with our distributor customers, who make a significant contribution to the success of our brands. The complicated period of rising raw material prices has enabled us to reaffirm our shared commitment to affordable products while supporting the independence of French SMEs.

We are seeking to develop committed partnerships, as is the case with Intermarché, with whom we have been supporting the Village Solaire in Morocco for responsible argan oil for 5 years now. We are also seeking to develop new sustainable partnerships, particularly in relation to the issue of plastics worldwide.

93% of the Group’s products are created in Salon-de-Provence and manufactured in France with care and attention: by 2022, 98% of our purchases will be made in Europe, 93% of them in France.


The Group's carbon footprint
Since its creation, social responsibility has been a major issue taken into account in the Group’s development strategy. Since 2019, La Phocéenne de Cosmétique has also been committed to reducing its carbon footprint, in recognition of the environmental challenges facing the cosmetics sector.
Protecting marine biodiversity: Oceania-Lovea partnership

Lovea has been supporting the OCEANIA association in French Polynesia since 2019 to preserve marine biodiversity, particularly humpback whales, via two flagship projects:

Observing and warning of whale sightings to reduce the risk of cetaceans colliding with ferries: Young Polynesians get involved on boats to monitor the Tahiti-Moorea shipping lane.

– Counting humpback whales.
– It’s the most important maritime route in the world.
– Oceania is the 1st association in the world to survey humpback whales in a sanctuary covering more than 5 million km2 and the only one in the Polynesian sanctuary.

Eco-design and commitment to the 4R strategy

Every year we innovate with our product launches and redesigns to incorporate the 4R approach, which aims to reduce the impact of our products and activities on the planet.
Lighter packaging, the launch of a solid range at Le Petit Olivier.

Plan to transform our existing packaging so that it contains between 25% and 50% recycled plastic: sometimes we manage to reach 100% thanks to joint work with our suppliers.

Development of refills that help to reduce the carbon footprint of packaging: We are improving our share of recycled plastic in packaging every year and aim to reduce the use of virgin plastic by at least 20% by 2027 (compared with 2022).



La Phocéenne de Cosmétique oeuvre à la protection de la biodiversité marine
La Phocéenne s'engage dans des missions à valeur humaine


Partnership with the zoo-refuge La Tanière
Founded by Francine and Patrick Violas, La Tanière is a refuge whose primary mission is to take in and protect all animals that have been abandoned, are in distress or have no solution, whether they come from zoos, circuses, laboratories or have been seized.

The teams care for these animals and rehome those that can be rehomed, in facilities that share the same values and ethics. It’s also an educational project, with the aim of changing the way people look at animals and helping them to understand them better. La Tanière also has a unique scientific vocation, with animal welfare as its driving force. The refuge is involved in breeding programmes and safeguarding endangered species, but not in breeding.

Environmental awareness programme for employees
Limit our daily impact at the office by involving employees in an awareness-raising initiative and a corporate challenge:

– Raise awareness of good sustainable practices
– Take concrete action
– Promote successes as a team!
It’s a 6-step challenge that can be applied throughout the year:
1. I reduce my electricity consumption
2. I’m adopting digital restraint
3. I’m adopting eco-gestures when travelling
4. I sort my rubbish
5. I eat less
6. I’m careful with water

In addition to the corporate challenge, all employees were made aware of the effects of climate change by attending a Climate Fresco workshop during a seminar.
Teams were motivated to understand the scientific data from the IPCC, the role of natural carbon sinks (oceans, forests) and the importance of reducing our carbon footprint !


Creation of the Group's 1st employee investment fund
La Phocéenne de Cosmétique is made up of men and women with their own qualities and passions: A €100,000 investment fund has been set up to finance personal projects undertaken by one of the Group’s employees.

The conditions for benefiting from the fund are very simple: the project must be in line with the Group’s values of caring for and protecting people and/or nature.

The funding takes the form of a loan or donation, depending on whether the project is for profit or not, and may not exceed €10,000 per project.

A library of resources is available in the CSR corner on each of our sites.

Le Petit Olivier & Le Moulin de Cante Perdrix : Proud of the Made in France Spirit

Sustainability policy

Our sincere and historic commitments have guided our decisions for 20 years

In 2023 we went even further by formalizing a sustainable development approach for 2033 around 3 pillars.

Accelerate the transition to reduce our impact on the climate

Carbon footprint : -5% CO2 per year by 2027 and 20% in 2033

Packaging eco-design: -20% use of virgin plastic by 2027

Responsible purchasing policy

Respect nature and preserve biodiversity

– Improving the traceability of our natural ingredient chains

– Reintroduce terrestrial biodiversity into our value chains

– Eco-circularity project on our local sectors

– Promote organic farming and communicate about nature protection

Valuing people to adapt to the environment around us

Made in France products

Déveloping potential by talking about women